CAMRA - Potterers Cycling Club

The Potterers Cycling Club
Pottering in Kent for 50 years !
The Potterers Cycling Club
Pottering in Kent since 1971
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CAMRA (CAMpaign for Real Ale) was founded in 1971 by four men, from the North West, in a pub.  

The Potterers Cycling Club was founded in 1971, by four men from the South East, in a pub.

All eight appreciated a pint of good ale.

The Potterers’ Four Founding Fathers had a better time of it than us. Cycling on quieter country lanes, quieter still on Sundays, with a much, much, larger choice of traditional village pubs. Nowadays, finding suitable venues for our “meets” is a lot more difficult. So many pubs closed and many had to morph into restaurants to survive.

Non-members are welcome to join us for a beer and a chat. The average age of our membership is over 55 and most of us are retired. Our president recently “celebrated” his 90th birthday and still comes out to the weekday “meets” on his bike.

Our motto is “usque ad mortem bibendum” which the Firkin Brewery stole from us.  We, however, are still going. So, "get on yer bike", join us and help us reach our 55th anniversary in 2026......

Pete Smith
usque ad mortem bibendum
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